bcnbp90Belgian College of Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 

bcnbp90Belgium's  Got Talent! 

Belgium's got talent 2022

Jellina Prinsen
The Belgium’s Got Talent Prize  2022 was awarded to 
  • Jean-Baptiste BELGE, Universiteit Antwerpen

    The neurobiology of electroconvulsive therapy . A micro-meso- and macro-level analysis.
    >> See the link.. 
Other thesis : 
  • Tim Moons, KULeuven

    Pharmaco)genetics in Schizophrenia
    >> See this link

  • Yulin Wang, VUB

    Common and Distinct Behavioral and Neurophysiological Mechanisms in Experiential and Cognitive Emotion Regulation
    >> See this link


UPC KU Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg,
Herestraat 49,
3000 Leuven

VAT BE 0415.048.548

BE40 2900 1349 6963 - GEBABEBB

Administrative secretary: Lieve Rousseau.

Secretary general:  Jürgen De Fruyt

Treasurer:  Elske Vrieze
